Grants & Manuscripts

Mechanical Editing
I check whether your manuscript style follows the rules of spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, and usage.

Substantive Editing
In addition to checking manuscript style, I suggest how to change sentences and paragraphs to clarify your ideas and to effectively tell your story.

Developmental Editing
I rewrite (or write) your manuscript by using your preliminary drafts and notes. We collaborate to produce a focused and logical grant or a well-narrated paper.

It is nothing but a pleasure to work with Sumit. Compared with other grant editors I consulted in the past, Sumit is unique in having made noteworthy contributions himself as a scientist. Therefore, he not only makes my applications clearer, more concise, and more convincing, but also speaks about the science and suggests different directions to better fit the RFAs. Sumit is highly aware of deadlines and that many of us are usually behind schedule, so his turnaround time is very short. Having worked with Sumit now on four grant applications and knowing how much his magic touches have improved my applications, I do not wish to prepare my next grants without his help.
The University of Pittsburgh
I work with scientists at:
- Universities and medical schools
- Cancer centers
- Disease-focused foundations
- Other nonprofit organizations
I help scientists obtain funding from:
- National Institutes of Health
- American Cancer Society
- Children’s Oncology Group
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Other funders
I help scientists publish in journals such as:
- Science
- Nature
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Genes & Development
- Cell Reports
- Public Library of Science
- The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics
- The Journal of Virology
- Other journals.